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What is Medical Massage
Medical massage is much more than a technique. A professional therapist must know what is wrong with the patient and what problem has to be treated before doing a Medical massage. In other words, the therapist will work toward a specific goal based on a particular diagnosis.
Can a massage therapist determine the cause of a patient’s illness or offer a particular diagnosis? Usually, the response is “No.” A therapist must review a doctor’s suggestion before setting an outcome objective for a particular massage therapy based on specific medical tests and information. An expert therapist will then be able to do a secondary examination and commence treatment in the most appropriate manner for every specific client and health situation.
What can Medical massage do?
Medical massage can improve and cure many conditions, including:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Sciatica
- Piriformis syndrome
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Pain associated with bulged or injured spinal disks (medical massage cannot ‘fix’ the disk but can help alleviate much of the pain associated with the injury).
- Migraines/headaches
- Pain associated with pregnancy
- Constipation
- Range of motion issues
- Fibromyalgia
- Back and Neck pain
- Plantar fasciitis (involving pain in the foot)
- Repetitive use injuries such as those listed and tennis elbow, Golfer’s elbow
- Pain associated with restricted fascia
- Pain associated with postural imbalances
- Muscle cramps
- Restless Legs Syndrome
- Sports/Exercise Injuries
- Work Injuries
- Auto Injuries
- Edema (swelling)
- Injuries sustained in traumas such as falls or automobile accidents.
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (numbness/tingling in hands/arms)
What to expect when you come for a Medical massage
As mentioned above, anybody with one of the conditions that can be cured or improved by Medical massage will need to seek professional advice from a doctor or a chiropractor. Once a recommendation is issued, a professional massage therapist can take it from there. Receiving a medical massage can be as pleasant as enjoying other spa treatments. However, a therapist will consult with you first and perform a secondary evaluation to see if a condition can be cured in one session or if a longer treatment plan would be required. The rest should be very easy, and you will be on your way to recovery while enjoying your day at the spa.